June 29, 2009

Coincidences and connections

On Saturday night, after seeing the new Terminator movie in The Hague, I was waiting in line for the toilets when I ran into a girl I know from Leiden. She and her husband had been in the same movie M and I were, and we ended up going with them to see a band playing outdoor for free.

Then on Sunday at Parkpop, again while waiting in line for the toilets, out of the thousands of people there, I spotted a friend from work who I knew would be at the festival. I headed over to say hi and found that she was with another co-worker of ours, Marinella, as well as Catherine, the French girl who lives upstairs from me.

This wasn't as strange to me as it might have been because I fortunately know the connection between Marinella and Catherine, and if you (want to) bear with me, I can explain. Marinella's boyfriend teaches jujitsu to Catherine and her boyfriend, Mattieu. Who live upstairs from me. Mattieu and Catherine had a housewarming where I unexpectedly saw Marinella's boyfriend.

But that's not all... The couple we ran into on Saturday, Phil and Sarah, also know Mattieu and Catherine because they were all in Dutch class together. In the spring, I had met Sarah a couple of times, but not Phil, but then I met Phil at the aforementioned housewarming. He mentioned his wife but we didn't know that I had already met her.

Glad that's all clear now. I was actually going to make a diagram showing who knew who and how, but it only made it more confusing.