Last Days
Last night we watched Gus van Sant's latest film, Last Days, a story based somewhat on Kurt Cobain. It was ok, I mean O and I had a bit more interest in it since we were really into Nirvana awhile back, but the film style sort of asks a lot from its audience. This is the 3rd film that Gus van Sant has done in this slow, quiet sort of way, just presenting scenes that lead to an end that you are supposed to draw your own conclusions and feelings from (the first one was Elephant, about a school shooting, which I've seen; the second was Gerry, about two guys in the desert, which I've not seen). Sometimes the style works; it feels reflective, a bit sad knowing things are not good for the Kurt Cobain-like character, but other times you are wondering why you are being given a minute-long shot of some bushes.
The actor playing the main role, Michael Pitt, was excellent at chanelling Kurt's spirit. He had Kurt's walk down and always hid behind his messy dirty blond hair. It was eerie to watch.
One disappointment for me was at the end of the credits to find out that the film wasn't shot in Washington or Oregon, but in New York. Enh? I don't know why it was shot in New York, unless it was just because of the location of the unique house that the film takes place in, but I certainly didn't expect that considering Kurt lived in Seattle and Gus van Sant's a resident of Portland. It had me fooled though, I had been looking wistfully at the outdoor scenes the whole time, thinking of home. New York... Bah.