October 7, 2004

Choose for choice

I often read the New Scientist online at work since it has really good bits of breaking science stories, as well as interviews and book reviews and so on. O calls me a "science geek" now since I read it so much, as well as subscribe to the Annals of Improbable Research. What can I say, I like science and learning more about our world.

Anyway, New Scientist is currently featuring a series of articles on scientific topics that the next American president (whomever he may be) cannot ignore. They cover all the hot current topics from global warming to stem cell research. I can't admit to having read all of them, but today I did read the one on the US's abortion policy. It is a rather depressing but enlightening read that shows how hurtful Bush's decision was to cut funding to any global family planning clinic that promoted -- or even associated itself with another organization that promoted -- abortion. It is far more reaching than a few unwanted babies being born, and nothing has shown that the ruling has reduced abortion rates. I can remember when Bush put this rule into effect, only days after he took office, and I realized what sort of president we had to deal with now. Unfortunately I hadn't even begun to imagine what the next four years would be like.

On a brighter -- and completely unrelated -- note, the essay this week in Tomato Nation made me giggle more than a few times. Sars writes about her family and her cats, fail-safe topics for a good laugh.

Update on The Big Move:

Nearly everything is packed. Tomorrow is the last real packing day, but I think what we have left is definitely do-able. Tomorrow morning we have to go over to the new place and sit around waiting for the new washing machine, fridge and microwave to be delivered. I'll be glad to get that out of the way, but I'm also almost hoping they arrive late so I can arrange the kitchen cabinets in the meantime. But new big stuff - whoo hoo! And the first microwave I've had in 4 years...