Cuz they don't have any feelings
I participate in a mainly-expat group that organizes activites and dinners in Amsterdam. The other day a new event was sent around; someone was planning a dinner at an eetcafe that specializes in grilled meats and spareribs. At the end of the organizer's description of the cafe, she said, "And for the vegeterians amongst us, they also serve nice fish dishes." I am not and have never been a vegetarian, but I just don't get when people assume that vegetarians would eat fish. Like, what part of "I don't eat animal flesh" do you not understand? I know that there is a wide spectrum of vegetarians and vegans, and so some people don't do eggs, but are fine with milk products, while the next person cuts out milk too, and I suppose some people might call themselves vegetarian and still eat fish, but I think that is kinda outside the definition, really. In college a friend of mine was going around saying she was a vegetarian just because she didn't eat red meat, which was just wrong. But I've heard this before, someone asking a vegetarian if she ate fish at least, and it's like, why would you think that? And if you do eat fish, I don't think you should be calling yourself a vegetarian. Or am I just being to pedantic about this?