February 1, 2006

Imminent cave-in

Brilliant. According to nu.nl, the market/roof of the parking garage of the Bos en Lommerplein, which is 5 mins from my house, is about to collapse. The summary:

Een parkeergarage onder het Bos en Lommerplein in Amsterdam-West staat op instorten, nadat woensdagochtend een scheur van 10 meter in het dak is ontstaan. Dat kon gebeuren doordat een vrachtwagen op het plein het dak te zwaar belastte. Volgens de brandweer is de kans op instorting 80 procent.

So it will likely collapse (80% chance they're giving it right now, for the non-Dutch readers). The whole plein area, including the houses that are part of the complex, has been evacuated. They are also looking at how "the relatively small truck from Bavaria can be removed." So it's all beer's fault.

As the article points out, the whole construction of the plein is only about 2 years old, and there have been leaking problems in the underground area for quite some time. Bloody construction these days. The building I work in, which is only a bit more than a year old, has had leaks for ages as well in the lobby area, and right now there's some scaffolding camped out there that we have to walk under when we come in the building. This also bring to mind the parking garage? new theater? that collapsed in Hoorn and one or two incidents of people's balconies falling off their building. Anyway, I just hope we are able to do our shopping this weekend, otherwise we may have to go to another area to get groceries. Or, go to the Dirk again. *shudder*