November 25, 2006

My jeans smell like potatoes

It's true.

And our fridge is filled with Thanksgiving dinner leftovers. We celebrated this year by inviting an American co-worker of mine over for dinner and we shared the cooking duties. The turkey and stuffing however were cooked by someone else. I found out from another American colleague that a catering place in town (owned by Australians) was doing a menu for Thanksgiving at reasonable prices. Since it would be a long wait to cook turkey after work on a Friday, we thought it would be handy to get that portion catered, and the rest we'd take care of. I would have preferred to make the stuffing, but it was included with the turkey.

So after work yesterday I picked up our 3 portions of the main dish, then my colleague came over and we got cooking. I took care of the potatoes: mashed and glazed sweet. Actually O took care of the mashed ones, so I'm not quite sure why my jeans smell like potatoes today, but they do. I didn't know it was such a pervasive smell (and his pants don't smell like potatoes despite him being the one who peeled and chopped them). My colleague made a cheesy squash dish (using zucchini), a cranberry-orange relish, and a wonderful pumpkin cheesecake. We had enough food for twice as many people, but what is Thanksgiving without leftovers? And those leftovers are now stuffed in the fridge for many more days of indulgence (we took a good chunk of the cheesecake. I'll be savouring that for as long as possible). I just finished off the mashed potatoes for lunch, frying them up sort of like hash browns and eating it with a good amount of ketchup. Good stuff.

To switch topics, I got our tickets today to see the Decemberists in Berlin on February 14 (aw =P). Neither O nor I have been to Berlin, so we thought why not, though they are playing at other, closer German cities. The train trip there is almost 6 1/2 hours, but I like train trips. Unfortunately the show is on a Wednesday so we won't be in Berlin long because I don't want to take too many vacation days, but we should still be able to see a bit of the city.