December 26, 2006


I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was pretty good, the usual, quite relaxing. And smoke-free! O's mom is trying to quit smoking again, and she didn't smoke at all last night. It was nice to come home not stinky.

Last night when we got home I called my family and said hi to everyone. I get the same questions over and over: "What time is it there?" "What did you guys eat for Christmas dinner?" The first person I talk to should just summarize for everyone else... Anyway, it's weird, both during this call and when I called at Thanksgiving I talked to two of my cousins, both boys, both a few years younger than me, and one has always been a bit weird and we had this awkward conversation where neither of us really knew what to say, but with his older brother, I've actually had these decent conversations. Nothing deep or anything, but he was much more pleasant to talk to than I thought he'd be, and he was asking me questions about what I've been up to and sounding interested... I guess seeing them only very occasionally over the past few years, I've not really seen how he's grown up, so I was surprised by how adult he sounds. And now I'm starting to sound old...

So since last Wednesday we've been catsitting for some friends. Coco is a very strange cat. He stands on his back legs quite often. He likes to sit on your shoulders. You can pet him all over and pull his tail and poke at him and he never minds, but he does like to give "love bites" on your nose and chin (he'll sniff at one part or the other and then suddenly bite at it. Sometimes it's a nibble, sometimes it really hurts). He wakes us up by wandering all over the bed, meowing, and then eventually walking on us and sitting in uncomfortable places, such as right on your chest or right next to your face. Occasionally, when O or I are in the bathroom, Coco'll come in and start rolling around in the shower. We haven't figured out the purpose of this, but he seems to really like it. Overall though he's a very sweet, if rather loud, cat and we'll miss having him around.

Besides tomorrow when I plan to renew my passport, do some shopping, and check in on a friend's apartment, this week has nothing really planned for it. *Breathe in and... ahhhhhhhh...* Jammie day every day. Ok, I do have some plans for stuff around the house, but that's it. I'm glad to recharge a bit before the new year since the last few weeks at work were really busy. Hopefully it won't be so bad when we get back anyway.