April 4, 2007

I went ahead anyway...

After being persuaded by Steph and Steven's arguments that I should wait until I'm in the US to get the mp3 player I planned to buy, I had some more internal debate yesterday and thought, fuck it, I'll just buy it now. So I did. Last night. It should arrive at my work tomorrow, just in time for the long weekend. I know, I could have saved some money by buying it in the US, I could have even ordered it online so that it would be ready and waiting for me at my parents' house, but I decided the savings weren't worth not having it already for the trip to the US.

I also pondered spending 24 euros on the skinbag that is made for the player (though this price is about 10 euros higher than many German websites selling it), but then O suggested just using a sock like he has for his Archos, and he said he'd make one just for me. Aww. Anyway, I am looking forward to finally jumping on the portable mp3 bandwagon.