January 21, 2005


I've been getting a decent amount of visits to my site lately, which is good. But it's weird that I suddenly have been getting a lot from people doing searches on MSN. Who searches on MSN, and why do they keep getting to my site?!

The search terms have been amusing. Two bizarre, random ones: "cookbook slink" and "global news- piggy bank". There have also been "photoblog porn" and "canal porn". Add those to the "girl looking for guy porn" I got last week. Had I even mentioned porn on my site before now? Oh, right, I mentioned it when I talked about the strange present I got from O's mom. See, that one use of the word, and now three people have ended up here searching for porn. It's like O still gets more hits from people searching for gay guys (and similar phrases) than anything else, just because of a couple of photos he posted from the Gay Parade.