February 6, 2005

The Desert Jews

I came across this very funny website yesterday called 2 Jewish Cowgirls, which is run by two Jewish women who used to live in big cities, but met soon after they both moved to Tucson, AZ. They then started this website that sells clothing and Judaica that reflects their Southwestern home. Reading their site, I am reminded that the last time I went to a temple service was in Phoenix, AZ when I was sent to represent my arm of the family at a second cousin's (or cousin once-removed? Something like that...) Bat Mitzvah. It's the only time I've been to Arizona, and it was also around Thanksgiving, so I got to experience a 70 degree Thanksgiving and marvel over the orange tree that my cousin had in her backyard (they found it just as odd though to think that in Oregon we had our own pear and apple trees).

Anyway, the site has a great sense of humour (for instance the home page tag line: "Yippee-Chai-Yay!" Oy vey.) It mostly features their clothing, which is really cute, but also has a recipe for kosher chili, a "featured Jewish Cowgirl", and the aforementioned Judaica for sale, which includes Southwestern skullcaps and mezuzzahs. Who says religion can't have a sense of humour?