June 5, 2005

Exercising my green thumb

I know it's like a photography cliche to post photos of flowers, but I don't care in this case because these are my flowers that are cheerily blooming even though I am horrible with plants. I'm proud of myself for keeping them alive, so I wanted to post photos of their happy greenness.

This one broke into flowers after just being a green bush for awhile. I quite like it.

This one has lovely thick red flowers with petals that are slightly sparkly when you look at them in direct sunlight (yeah, I know, it's weird). It drinks a lot of water.

Both of the plants above I am extra proud of because I had to resurrect them after they went all limp and the flowers shrivelled up shortly after potting them. It sucked to bring home a nice healthy plant, pot it, stick it out in the sun on the balcony, and the next day find it looking like it was on a quick road to death. Neither came with instructions though (did they like the sun? Do they need more water?) so I brought them inside and managed, out of mostly luck, I think, to nurse them back to health. Now they are happily back out in the fresh air.

I have one other plant with small purple and yellow flowers which always did well, always had tons of flowers that never seemed to die, but now it seems to be dying, even though the flowers keep on looking healthy. I dunno, it's just all brown at the bottom, no matter how much I try to adjust the amount of water I give it. Maybe it's just not meant to last long?...