June 26, 2006


I'm very sleepy but I feel I haven't written enough lately and I have a bit of downtime, so I thought I'd procrastinate a bit.

I had a rather nice weekend. Friday there was some going-away drinks for a person leaving work and that was a good evening out. It started with some drinks in the sun and then we moved to a cafe in town for dinner and more drinks til people one by one started heading home. I left around 1:30 am and was happy to be able to just bike home, a nice quiet ride.

Saturday, O and I went into town to buy some presents for the family members we'll be seeing next week in Spain. We got my cousin and his wife a Delft blue thing and a book of photos of Holland (my cousin spent a few months in Holland after he graduated from college and has fond memories from that time, so I thought he'd like some photos). Then we got their 6-year-old daughter a Nijntje doll. I had wanted to get a book about Holland for her, but I have no idea how well she can read or anything. I asked for some advice from someone at the American Book Center, and there were some books that might be the right reading level for that age, but I still had the feeling that none were quite right. So I went with the safer present, since I have no idea what this kid is like. I'll also buy her some stroopwafels. =)

Sunday we went to an Irish pub in town to play a foosball tournament. Everyone represented one of the 16 teams left in the World Cup (well, the 16 that were left) and then there was a whole tournament. I teamed up with a guy and we did really well in the beginning, but ended up 4th after playing against some guys who were really good - good enough to beat us two on their own. It was fun though. Then most everyone hung around to watch the England game. In the evening, O went off to see Death Cab for Cutie (for which he managed to land a photo pass) and I went home to watch the depressing Holland game on my own.

This morning didn't go so well because a meeting planned for 9 didn't happen because the guy meant to be leading everything is now not getting into the office until around 11:30. We were supposed to get something sent off at noon, but that doesn't seem likely. Very frustrating that 4 people in the team have done a lot of work the past week, but the main guy just has not been running things well.

Anyway, I'm already dreaming of how I'll be in sunny and likely very hot Madrid a week from now and work will be the last thing on my mind.