Things that have been giving me a shot of endorphins to the head and a twinge of pain to my heart
[Excuses in advance for the teenagerness of this post. You have been forewarned.]
- The first video from The Crane Wife for the song O Valencia (kind of a crappy site, but MTV's site won't allow viewing outside of the US; find it elsewhere if you can). It's directed by the same guy who did the also-brilliant video for 16 Military Wives and again includes the whole band playing various characters, but it centers on Colin Meloy (his steely blues unhindered by glasses) trying to run away with his girlfriend, but she's the boss's daughter and the boss ain't happy. I downloaded the video and now I have an icon on my desktop of a screenshot of Colin eavesdropping through a wall and... *sigh*
- The publicity photos with the story that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) is appearing nude in a play in London. Harry Potter has grown up indeed.
- Prison Break is back with new episodes. More steely blues, as well as lovely hands, from Michael, especially in the scene when he is on the phone with Sarah. Yeah...
I promise not to post such fluff next time, but I had to get it out...