Bags and fast food
Finally, after months of being desperate for them, I got some carrier bags today for my bike (the same ones you have, E). Because they're large and red, not only do they make my bike easier to find, but they make me feel like a postman (postchick?), which is kinda cool. Anyway, they'll make the trips to get groceries and to do my laundry so much easier.
I was emailing my family that lives around the Portland area to organize getting together while I'm there, and my aunt asked what I'd prefer - McDonald's, Burger King, or Taco Bell. I can only assume it was a joke and I replied jokingly before going on in a "Anyway, no, really, what should we have?" kind of way. But now my brother and an uncle have replied with their fast food preferences and my email was ignored, so I'm worried that they aren't really joking. I dunno, my family, joking around via email?... Surely a poor economy and everyone being broke and preferring fast food is a more likely explanation.