May 9, 2007

Does it help with their attitude as well?

I just read about this system developed in the US that uses a wireless network in a restaurant to allow the customers to have control over the service provided to them, so they aren't waiting too long, or being pestered too often by the waiter (thanks to Little Lost Robot for the link). Instantly I thought, "Oh my god, think how much you could improve the service at Dutch restaurants!! You'd have a link to the staff to remind them that you're still there!"

Ok, it's easy to rag on Dutch service in restaurants, everyone does it, but it can be fairly appalling. There's not much you can do since it's so much the norm. I just try to appreciate and reward people who actually seem to do their job well and with pride.

I just had to snort though at some of the statements on the webpage for this system. "Due to service inefficiencies, the average casual-dining meal runs 14 minutes longer than necessary." "Have you ever been at a restaurant and had to wait 10 minutes or more for the check before you could leave?" ...Oh my god! These people don't know how good they have it! Waiting for 10-15 minutes for the server to come... If only. Well, I'll get my fill of horrible American service in the next couple of weeks. If that check ain't there before I'm finished eating, no tip for you!